As shown in the video above, precast erection is complete for the new Southwest Gastroenterology facility, which is located on a 2.5-acre parcel just east of Silver Cross Hospital on Cedar Crossing Drive. Oak Lawn, Ill.-based Southwest Gastroenterology selected HSA PrimeCare as its development consultant for the planning, project management, and leasing of a 27,600-square-foot health care facility in southwest suburban New Lenox, Ill.
HSA PrimeCare anticipates a fourth quarter completion, upon which Southwest Gastroenterology will relocate from its current office suite within the Silver Cross Hospital’s Pavilion A.
HSA PrimeCare Senior Vice President, Mark TeGrootenhuis, provided a progress update stating, “Berti Construction is working toward enclosing the building and installation of base building mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection systems. We’re also in the process of finalizing an interior design plan that suits the needs of each of the seven doctors within the practice.”
Southwest Gastroenterology has additional practice locations in Oak Lawn and Joliet.
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